Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Does This Look Like The Face Of 5 Monmouth Sorority Sisters Arrested For Stealing A Nativity Scene From A Public Square And Putting It On The School President’s Lawn?

Five college students–all women–are facing theft charges after they swiped nativity scene figures from a public square in Illinois. The quintet of Monmouth College students allegedly stole statues of Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, and several stable animals during the raid last week, according to police. The stolen figurines were recovered by cops on the lawn of the school’s president. The women were busted early Friday, after they apparently (and unsurprisingly) hatched the plot following a visit to a local tavern. According to a Monmouth Police Department report, the statues were noticed missing from the nativity scene after a witness told cops that the items were taken by five women in a maroon SUV. The car was subsequently located behind a nearby Taco Bell. During questioning, the students confessed to the prank. “We did it,” getaway driver Korri Crawford told a cop. “Can we give them back!” Crawford said that she had picked up her four accomplices “after the bars closed,” and that she was “sorry and it was stupid.” The accused nativity thieves (pictured above, left to right) are Brittany Smallberger, 22; Samantha Bundy, 21; Emily Triebel, 22; Crawford, 18; and Cathryn Sargent, 21. Each woman’s mug shot appears directly below a photo of her not taken by a jail employee.

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