Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Magic CEO Steps Down After Drunk Dialing Dwight Howard At 1 AM Begging Him To Stay In Orlando

Welp, this is easily the best story of the day. On Tuesday, it was confirmed that Bob Vander Weide would be retiring as CEO of the Orlando Magic, and will be replaced in the front office by current president Alex Martins. Now, more information about Vander Weide’s final few days are starting to trickle in, and one detail in particular is… well, it’s just great. The prevailing opinion among fans, league sources, and basketball writers throughout the land is that the face of Orlando’s franchise — center Dwight Howard — will be leaving town soon. 

Howard, like many elite NBA players nowadays, wants to bolt for a bigger market. Some of his rumored destinations are L.A., Chicago, or New York. This was probably distressing to Vander Weide, who up until Tuesday had been with the Magic for 20 years. Howard is one of the game’s dominant players, is a huge draw for the team, and has been beloved in the city (both for his dunks and 1,000 megawatt smile) since his rookie year. 

Vander Weide is obviously a huge fan of Howard’s, and knew that his leaving town would be a huge blow. So, he did what any person would do when someone near and dear to their heart might leave for greener pastures: he got drunk and called him. Vander Weide confirmed that he made a 1 a.m. phone call in recent days to Magic superstar Dwight Howard, and Howard thought Vander Weide may have been intoxicated. On that call, Vander Weide told Howard how much the Magic wanted to keep him in Orlando. “I was playing paddle with friends and had a couple of glasses of wine,” Vander Weide told BHSN. “Maybe Dwight thought it was inappropriate to talk business after a couple of glasses of wine… Maybe I should have waited until the morning.”

Thats Fucking Great!!!!

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