Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Collection of Photographs From Inside Apple HQ

Outside the main entrance at Apple Headquarters
Insiders call it the Mothership. It’s Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, and to Apple fans, it’s a place thought of with romance and wonder. Only the privileged elect have ever been deep within its most secretive recesses, but after an extensive search, I turned up more than 30 inside pictures that Apple probably doesn’t want you to see.
It’s the Chocolate Factory for tech nerds. The one super-secret place we all want to see — and the one place none of us ever will.
Search the web for “Apple HQ,” and most of the results you get will be pictures of Apple’s Cupertino headquarters — from the outside. Usually with some fanboy standing next to the “1 Infinite Loop” sign. But what we really want to see is what’s inside ultra-top-secret place where all our favorite gizmos are dreamed up.
This discussion will be moot a few years down the road when Apple opens its gigantic new wheel-shaped campus. But for now, this is the ultimate Nerdvana, and here are the only known photos you’re likely to ever see of it.
When you first walk inside Apple HQ, you’re greeted by the welcome/reception desk, which is situated inside the massive atrium with its bright natural light and suspended walkways.
Reception Desk
Apple HQ atrium
Apple HQ atrium
Apple HQ atrium
Apple HQ atrium
The one and only place inside the Apple campus that’s open to the public is theCompany Store. It’s the only place where you won’t get accosted by security for taking pictures, and the only place in the world where you can buy Apple logo merchandise, like shirts and hats (though they also sell iPods and other Apple products).
Apple Company Store
Apple Company Store
Apple Company Store
As you wander the halls of Apple HQ (which isn’t allowed, actually, unless you’re a senior staff member), you’ll see sights like these.
Inside Apple HQ
Inside Apple HQ
Inside Apple HQ
Inside Apple HQ
Inside Apple HQ
Inside Apple HQ
If you need to make a pit stop, you might see restroom signs that look like this.
Men's Room sign at Apple HQ
Women's Room sign at Apple HQ
Hungry? Head over to the campus cafeteria. The food’s not free — not even for employees — but it’s inexpensive and very healthy.
Apple Cafeteria
Apple Cafeteria
When staff members need a break, they can head over to the break room/rec room. (I have no idea what they call it.) Or they can go outside and play some basketball on the on-campus court.
Apple HQ rec room
Apple HQ rec room
Apple HQ outdoor basketball court
There’s also an on-campus fitness room, filled with exercise equipment.
Apple HQ fitness center
That stuff’s all well and good, but what about where the… you know, the actual work gets done? If you’re hoping to get a glimpse inside Tim Cook’s office, you can dream on. It’s probably one of the most off-limits areas on the entire campus. But some photogs have managed to snap images of meeting rooms. You might even recognize a few faces in these not-terribly-recent photos.
Apple HQ meeting room
Apple HQ meeting room
When Apple calls one of its trademark “keynote” press conferences, it usually takes place at a public facility in San Francisco. But occasionally, for a more intimate setting, Apple brings the press to it’s own theater, which it calls the Apple Town Hall. A number of events have been held here over the years, including the infamous “Antennagate” event.
Apple Town Hall
Apple Town Hall
Speaking of Antennagate, that was the event where Apple, for the first time ever, opened up some of its most private doors for the press to see. Namely, the state-of-the-art Wireless Testing Lab, where they put their latest iPhone models through their paces, testing things like signal strength and user interference.
Apple's Wireless Testing Lab
Apple's Wireless Testing Lab
Apple's Wireless Testing Lab
One of the true “holy grail” locations deep inside Apple’s headquarters — seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was underground — is senior designer Jonathan Ive’sDesign Facility. I was surprised to find even this small glimpse inside the Design Facility, given how jealously Apple guards its secrets. So it’s not much, but it’s all there is. And ladies, you even get some Ive-y eye candy. Behind his biceps, you’ll see some pretty hardcore industrial machinery.


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