Friday, June 1, 2012

ZOMBIEWATCH 2012:Staten Island Man Bites Other Man's Ear In Ugly Fight Sparked By Dispute Over Television

A dispute over the television in the outer-borough eatery led to an ugly fight that left one man missing a chunk gnawed out of his ear, police and witnesses said. Chomper Thomas Tomasello, 52, was busted for felony assault after beating and biting Nicholas Cacace on the sidewalk outside the Oakwood Diner on Amboy Road, cops said. “He chewed his ear – he must have been hungry,” one witness said with a laugh. “He must have been reading about that cannibal down in Miami or something.” According to the witness, the trouble began when the 35-year-old Cacace – who has a history of drug arrests – changed the channel at the diner Wednesday afternoon from an oldies music station to ESPN. The diner regular was soon getting an earful from finger-waving fellow patron Louise Newhman, an ex-waitress who called her husband. Pizzeria owner Tomasello showed up and soon had a mouthful – taken from chunk of Cacace’s ear as they rolled around on the ground. But first, the witness said, Tomasella used a small souvenir Yankees bat to smack Cacace around. “He hit him with the bat about four to five times in the back of the head and back,” the witness said. Just like former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson did to Evander Holyfield, Tomasello tore off a ragged chunk of his opponent’s ear. Tomasella has been arrested in the past for patronizing a prostitute, violating an order of protection and criminal contempt. He made headlines three years ago by filing a $40 million lawsuit to block a competing pizzeria from opening too close to his Staten Island business.

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