Monday, July 30, 2012

Apple To Hold September 12th Event As Component Orders Increase For New iPhone

More reported this morning that Apple will hold its next media event on September 12th and launch the new iPhone alongside the rumored iPad mini on Friday the 21st. Another report said today that Apple is planning to launch multiple new products in September, and now AllThingsD confirms that Apple will indeed hold an event on September 12th. Although Apple hasn’t officially commented, AllThingsD’s word is pretty much considered to be a confirmation.

What will Apple announce in two months? Rumors say we’ll see the next iPhone, new iPod touch, and iPad mini. Judging by Apple’s huge spike in component orders overseas, it looks this this fall is going to be a very busy time for the folks in Cupertino.

Apple hasn’t yet officially announced the fall event at which it is expected to debut the next iteration of the iPhone, but it’s definitely planning one.
Sources tell AllThingsD that Apple is currently planning an event for that week. And while we haven’t yet confirmed its focus, history suggests it will indeed be the new iPhone. One thing’s for certain, though: Apple is ramping up for a big fall product cycle. And to see that, you need only look at the the recent spike in the company’s prepayment for inventory components

Apple’s prepayment for its inventory’s mobile components rose by a significant $1.15 billion last quarter, indicating that factories overseas are getting ready to churn out millions of iPhones, iPods, and iPads this holiday season. Interestingly, this last quarter marks Apple’s biggest increase in component prepayments for the past 4 years. Get ready for a crazy fall.
Update: Jim Dalrymple of The Loop has given this report one of his infamous “Yeps.” Mark your calendars. It’s happening, folks.

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