Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Christian Bale Visited Aurora, Colorado Shooting Victims, First Responders And Medical Personnel Today

Well, my personal opinion of Christian Bale has sure been enhanced after today.

Reports the Denver Post:

Christian Bale, star of the Batman films, met at the Medical Center of Aurora on Tuesday afternoon with seven patients injured in the mass shooting that occurred during a midnight showing of his new film.

Bill Voloch, interim president of Medical Center of Aurora, said Bale spent about 2½ hours at the hospital, where he met with five people still being treated for their injuries. Two others came from Swedish Medical Center to meet Bale, who stars at Batman in “The Dark Knight Rises.

Bale and his wife, Sibi Blazic, also met with a number of doctors, Aurora police officers and emergency medicial technicians who were first reponders when James Eagan Holmes allegedly killed 12 people and injured 58 others at Century Aurora 16 theater early Friday morning. Bale spent about 10 minutes with each person.

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