Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fuck Amanda Bynes Lindsey Lohan Is BACK & The Mother Fucking Queen Of Hot Messes ARRESTED AGAIN

Starlet Lindsay Lohan was arrested early this morning in downtown Manhattan after her SUV allegedly hit a pedestrian near the Dream hotel. Lohan was pulling her Porsche Cayenne into an alleyway between the Maritime and Dream hotels around 12:30 a.m. when she allegedly struck the leg of a 34-year-old man. Lohan went into the hotel and was arrested around 2:30 a.m. She was booked for leaving the scene of an accident, a misdemeanor, and was issued a desk-appearance ticket and released from police custody. The pedestrian was taken to Bellevue hospital with a complaint of leg pain. It seems that alcohol was not involved in the incident, but the arrest could trigger a probation violation in Lohan’s jewelry theft case. Lohan’s mom Dina recently denied she was drinking during an interview with Dr. Phil that aired Monday, in which she talked about her daughter’s run-ins with the law.

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