Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Boardwalk Empire Has Been Renewed For A Fourth Season

HBO released a statement earlier today announcing that is has renewed Boardwalk Empire for a fourth season after the third season premiere drew over seven million viewers across the network’s various platforms. I would post the full statement, but it is like eight paragraphs long and there are exactly two important facts in it — 1) Boardwalk Empire has been renewed, and 2) Seven million people watched the premiere — and I knocked both of those out in the first sentence, so I’ll save you the ten seconds it would take to scroll past it. I am great at reporting.

Anyway, this isn’t exactly mind-melting news, seeing as seven million viewers plants the show firmly in the “hit” category. As Alan Sepinwall points out, the show hasn’t become the Emmy bait that HBO seemed to be banking on when they threw $20 million and Martin Scorsese at the pilot, but it has turned into a reliably entertaining show that is occasionally capable of reaching into the top echelon of cable dramas

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