Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nelly's Tour Bus Busted in Texas for Having 10 Lbs Of Marijuana And Heroine

Nelly's tour bus was inspected in Texas on Wednesday night, where a large amount of drugs and a gun were found. It all went down in the now-infamous Sierra Blanca, where Fiona Apple was recently busted for possession of hash and marijuana, and Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson before her. Tough town.

In a statement, Rusty Fleming, public information officer of Hudspeth County Sheriff's Office, said Nelly's bus was stopped at Sierra Blanca's Border Patrol Checkpoint. "During a routine check of U.S. citizenship [by] the inspecting Border Patrol agent, a canine detected the presence of concealed humans and/or controlled substances emitting from the seams of the main entrance of the vehicle and requested the driver to pull into the secondary inspection lane for further inspection. The agent requested all subjects to exit the bus so that a canine working the checkpoint could conduct an inspection of the vehicle. Upon entering the bus the canine alerted to a cardboard box. A further search produced a small plastic container containing marijuana, and (36) very small Ziploc bags containing Heroin and a loaded .45 cal pistol."

Another compartment beneath the vehicle contained a large green duffle bag full of nine vacuum bags of marijuana. "Total weight of the marijuana seized was 10.4 lbs and weight of the Heroin was a total of .64 ounces," writes the office.

While Nelly was briefly detained, any possibility of his ownership of the contraband was eradicated when entourage member Brian Keith Jones volunteered responsibility for all the substances and the weapon. Aside from Jones, Nelly and co. were sent along their way.

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