Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sports Illustrated’s Peter King Is A Heartless Bastard Complains About NFL Wearing Pink For Entire Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every year the NFL does a great thing that always leads to one question from fans: why do NFL players wear pink in October? Of course, they do so to spread the word for Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing pink shoes, gloves, and any other accessories they can put on. This leads people who are not aware to ask why the NFL has turned pink, and then be made aware of the reason, which is the entire point of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. However, one sports writer is not amused by the idea.

Peter King is an NFL writer for Sports Illustrated who also appears on NBC’s Sunday Night Football pregame show, Football Night In America. He took to Twitter last night, on the first night of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, to start whining about the NFL’s pink hued decision to make a difference.

Peter King, allow me to ask you the question that everyone should be asking you right now: ARE YOU SERIOUS?

First, let’s address your original tweet. You want the league to only wear pink for a week, rather than a full month. Did you ever consider that three fewer weeks of teams wearing pink would lead to three fewer weeks of fans asking “hey, why is Julius Peppers wearing pink?” leading to three fewer weeks of awareness? Awareness is in the name of the month they are participating in. You may be the least intelligent person on the planet for asking them to do something that would result in less of what they want.

Now for the second tweet, King asks if breast cancer should be the only charity the NFL supports. Well, Peter, it isn’t. The NFL and the United Way have been partners for 35 years, and the league even has a site dedicated to its charitable works. So, no, it shouldn’t be the only charity the NFL supports, which is convenient considering that it isn’t. Again, what an idiot.

King then, in a flash of brilliance, suggests that teams rotate throughout the month wearing pink. Again, that would mean it was seen in less stadiums, resulting in less awareness, which goes against the principles of Breast Cancer AWARENESS Month.

Oh, but it’s okay! King’s parents and parents in-law have died of cancer so he doesn’t have to want to raise awareness for it!

Guess what, I’ve had family beat cancer and lose their battles as well, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want everyone in the world know just what a monster cancer is and that there are ways to help fund research methods and further spread awareness to help our world unite against it. That would just be moronic, which is a pretty good way to describe Peter King’s tweets last night.

Maybe instead of being an ignorant idiot about life threatening diseases, Peter King should stick to being an ignorant idiot about the NFL. At least there are more of those, allowing him to blend in.

To help make a difference and for more information on ways to aid the worldwide fight against cancer, go here, and don’t be a moron like Peter King.

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