Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yankees GM Brian Cashman Doesn't See Star Power In Alex Rodriguez Anymore

“I don’t think it’s realistic at all for us to be moving forward with anything but Alex Rodriguez at third base.

“But listen, the sooner we put to bed any expectation or anticipation that the Yankees are going to be solely focused on trying to move Alex Rodriguez. … I think that would be false. And it would be just a lot of wasted energy on anybody’s part to be thinking.”

“Is he a superstar at that position? No. But I think when anybody signed that (10-year, $275 million) contract (in 2007), expecting him to be at that level at that age would be unrealistic also.”

And as you can see from the picture above Alex Rodriguez leaving a Miami Beach Starbucks giving ZERO shits...He's owed 115 million over the next 5 years.

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