Wednesday, April 17, 2013


After 10 years in the league, Dwyane Wade is clearly in legacy mode, but what would make that legacy complete? Apparently just another ring. Wade tells the Associated Press that is goal was always to get a three-set, and anything after that is just icing on the cake.

"I feel like I need three rings. After that, I'm playing with church's money," Wade told the AP. "I've always said that if I can end my career with at least three rings ... I've already had a special career, but it would put me in that special group that only a few can say that they're in. It would mean a lot. It would mean a lot. It would mean a lot."

Though Wade is still putting up superstar numbers (though, perhaps not quite as super as the past) he's aware there is an expiration date. Though, he doesn't buy into some critiques who think he's already on the decline.

"Guys get older. That's obvious," he says. "Yes, I've gotten older. Yes, my game has changed. But let's talk production. I'm a productive player. My numbers show it. I buy into the efficiency numbers -- more than I should and it drives me crazy that I buy into it. I look around the league and see guys shooting 41 percent and they're getting patted on the back. I'm shooting 52 percent and I'm on the decline?"

In a telling part of the profile, Wade admits he's not longer getting texts from Pat Riley simply saying "BIW." Or "Best in the World," which, well, obviously that acronym might belong to LeBron James now, but wade takes it in stride and points out that not many superstars who are the face of their franchise would have stepped back to allow a player like James to shine.

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