Monday, December 2, 2013

Better Call Saul’ Update: Could Debut Next Year, May Feature More Courtroom Action

VIA: We haven’t checked in on the status of AMC’s Breaking Bad spinoff Better Call Saul in a little while, so let’s take a minute to do that, shall we? First of all, Vince Gilligan and a solid chunk of the cast appeared at Pacific Theatres at the Grove last week for a screening of the making-of documentary No Half Measures, and when someone asked Bob Odenkirk how things were coming, he said this:

“We’re very excited about it and they’re getting started on the effort and I guess, hopefully, before next year is done it’ll be on the air. I’m just excited to put the hairpieces on and the gold socks. Please, everybody, don’t buy gold socks. We’re going to need a couple pairs.”

And second, the Better Call Saul showrunner, former Breaking Bad co-executive producer Peter Gould, sat down with Yahoo! TV to discuss his work on both shows, and he says he’s spending time in courtrooms as part of his research for the new series, which could maybe, possibly, mean we’ll get to see Saul in action in front of a judge at some point. That could be fun. Also…

There’s no [premiere] date that’s definite, but we’re working on it. I’m very excited to work with Bob and with Vince and some of the other people we’re putting together on the team. I think we’re going to have something that’s pretty unique. I don’t think it’s going to be exactly what people are expecting, let’s put it that way.

We certainly feel a great responsibility to the fans, but all we can do is proceed as we have been and try to make the best show we can. I’m very excited about it. Frankly, I can’t say very much at this point, but I think it’s going to be pretty unique.

So, to recap: The series will hopefully debut next year, Bob Odenkirk guesses, unless it doesn’t, which it might not, but they’re working on it, and it’s gonna be unique, but the showrunner can’t tell us why or how, except that it may or may not feature scenes inside a courtroom.

Good update.

(via Splitsider)

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