Thursday, December 19, 2013

Does This Look Like The Face Of A Man Named Kash Register Who Was Recently Released After Doing 34 Years For A Murder He Didn’t Commit?

LATimes – Prosecutors said Thursday that they won’t refile charges against Kash Delano Register, a Los Angeles man who spent more than three decades in prison for a murder conviction that was overturned by a judge last month. Register served 34 years behind bars in connection with the 1979 killing of an elderly man in West Los Angeles. He always maintained his innocence, and in November he was released from prison after attorneys from Loyola Law School’s Project for the Innocent argued that a key witness in the case had lied. They also said police and prosecutors had suppressed evidence that would have helped Register’s defense. The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office had the option to retry Register or appeal Superior Court Judge Kathleen Mader’s decision to throw out the conviction. During a short court hearing Thursday morning, prosecutors said they were dropping the case. In a short statement to the court, Register said: “Thank you for giving me back my freedom.” Afterward, he gathered outside the courthouse with a group of family and friends and a gaggle of attorneys and law students who worked on his case. “It’s over with,” he said, squeezing his mother, Thelma. “Now I just want to move on.” “It’s been a long road but there’s no road that doesn’t have an end somewhere,” his mother said. “And it ended. Today is the end.”

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