Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jim Harbaugh’s Wife Hates The Pants He Wears Every Sunday Because They’re 8 Dollars And From Wal-Mart

VIA: Jim Harbaugh is a man of select taste. He loves football and a good pair of pleated khaki pants. But you won’t see Harbaugh glide down the runway — like he so elegantly does on the 49ers‘ sideline — in his signature khakis and pull-over black sweatshirt if his wife, Sarah, has anything to say about it. Which she does.

“I’ve thrown (his pants) away many of times,” Sarah Harbaugh told KMVQ-FM. “I threw them out and when he went to the combine, he found a Walmart. They were $8. $8!”

Aside from learning that Harbaugh is one of the “People of Walmart” (Is anyone shocked?), Harbaugh has always preached a blue-collar work ethic, so why not shop for some blue-collar pleated pants? He might be a multimillionaire with his team one win away from back-to-back Super Bowl appearances, but savvy shopper has to be atop his list of attributes. Mrs. Harbs “will not take blame for his outfits,” but she also doesn’t want to ruin the 49ers‘ momentum with her husband suddenly changing clothing styles.

“I still love him,” Mrs. Harbaugh added. “But he did say next year he would make a change if it was that important.” So we know who really wears the pants in the relationship.

Photographic Proof That Jim Harbaugh Does In Fact Buy His Clothes At Wal-Mart  

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