Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Justin Bieber Might Actually Get Deported For Real. Here’s How

VIA: Are you reached maximum Justin Bieber fatigue yet? Or, Bieb-fatigue, as I like to call it. Well then, I just may have some good news for you. Ever the bastion of prestigious journalism, TMZ has done some digging and found that if our favorite snot-nosed Canadian is actually charged and convicted in his egging case, he could have his 0-1 work permit revoked and ordered to leave the United States. No White House intervention needed.

Under the Immigration laws, if someone is convicted of a crime of “moral turpitude” — Immigration can deem that person “inadmissible” for work status in the U.S.

Now get this … “moral turpitude” includes crimes involving “malicious destruction of property.”

The L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. wants the D.A. to file FELONY vandalism charges because they say he caused $20K in damages. And, the Sheriff’s Dept. thinks Bieber was malicious, especially because in the middle of the attack he yelled​, “f*** you. I got another one for you actually.”

Worst case scenario, even if somehow Bieber gets away with a misdemeanor vandalism charge, he can still get turned down when reapplying for his 01 permit in two years. That’s right, our long, national nightmare might really be over. My only question is: What if we finally deport him and Canada doesn’t want him back? What then? Would it be like a reverse Edward Snowden situation? Either way, I hear Russia is very nice this time of year.

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