Monday, April 14, 2014

Two Years Ago, Jason Segel Pitched To The Writers The PERFECT Ending To ‘How I Met Your Mother’

VIA: It’s been a couple of weeks now, and I know that some of you are still hanging on to your resentments about the finale of How I Met Your Mother. I don’t blame you. Resentment half-life should last as many days as there were episodes, so we should be allowed to hang on to it well into November. What’s even more frustrating is that we now know that — two years ago — Jason Segel pitched an idea to the writers of How I Met Your Mother that would’ve made the PERFECT ending to the series, especially in light of what we know now.

His idea for the ending — from an interview on The Daily Show — is in the video below, beginning around the 4:25 minute mark. But in case you don’t want to watch the video, I’ll spoil you a little to his idea with a GIF:

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