Monday, April 7, 2014

Wrestlemania 30 Recap

My reaction was 

Loved: the beginning of the show when the biggest icons from the 80's, 90's and 2000's were all in the ring at the same time. Loved old ass Hulk Hogan saying he loved being back in the Silver Dome as The Rock And Stone Cold Steve Austin made fun of his old ass.

Best: Antonio Cesaro throwing 400 pound Big Show out of the ring like a fucking rag doll.

Best: Bray Wyatt's theme song live by Mark Crozer and his band.

Hated: Cena winning again

Hated: The Unndertaker's streak is over especially to someone that is on the roster a few times a year in Brock Lesnar

Loved: That Daniel beat HHH's ass clean. Also Beat Batista and Randy Orton's ass as well.

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